A big hello from all staff at Nottingham Free School!
For those that are new to our weekly parent bulletin, we aim for this to be timely and concise information to help you engage with our school community and remind you of upcoming school events.
We want as many parents/carers as possible to engage with our bulletin, so that our community works together to reach its potential.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for what you would like included in this bulletin, as I would like to make it as useful as possible.
Thanks for your ongoing support of our school.
Joel Tomasevic - Senior Leader for Communications and Parent Involvement
E: jtomasevic@nottinghamfreeschool.co.uk
T: 0115 896 4949
A plea to all parents and carers dropping off and picking up their children:
As ever, we are sincerely grateful for your help with this important health and safety issue.
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT