Another successful week for our lovely students. A key highlight was seeing Sixth Form Student Leaders delivering assemblies to Year 7 and 8 children.
Please carefully read the notices below for the week commencing Mon 23 September.
We hope you have a peaceful weekend.
Very best wishes,
Joel Tomasevic - Senior Leader for Communications and Parent Involvement
E: jtomasevic@nottinghamfreeschool.co.uk
T: 0115 896 4949
Joel Tomasevic - Assistant Headteacher
A reminder of our school finish times:
Years 7, 8 and 9
Years 10, 11, 12 and 13
We are holding a year 11 careers evening on Thursday 26 September at 4pm for year 11 parents and carers.
The aim is to equip you with the necessary information to support your child in making plans for after their GCSEs.
The evening will run as follows:
Please complete this form, if you can attend: CLICK ME
Philippa Barrett - Careers Coordinator
Thank you,
Miss L Tervit - Assistant Headteacher
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT