Weekly Parent BulletinWEEK OF 9 DECEMBER (WEEK B)

~ 9th December 2024 ~

Dear Parents and Carers, 

It has been another fast paced week at Nottingham Free School. Thanks to all the Year 11 parents and carers that attended the Year 11 Parent-Teacher Meetings on Thursday afternoon/evening. We hope the feedback from teachers was useful. With only one school week left until the Christmas break, the end of Term 1 is in sight for our students. We have lots of lovely things happening in school next week, with some detailed in our notices below. 

We hope you have a peaceful weekend and the following notices are helpful. 

Very best wishes,

Joel Tomasevic - Senior Leader for Communications and Parent Involvement

E: jtomasevic@nottinghamfreeschool.co.uk

T: 0115 896 4949

Years 7, 8 and 9 

  • Children finish at 2:45pm on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
  • Children finish at 3:45pm on Tuesday only

Years 10, 11, 12 and 13

  • Children finish at 2:45pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Children finish at 3:45pm on Tuesday and Thursday


  • SEND Parent Workshop for Year 7 parents/carers (Friday 13 December, 9-10am) INVITE ONLY
  • It is Christmas Jumper Day on Thursday 12 December
  • For a £1 voluntary donation (donated to 'Save the Children'), students can wear a Christmas style jumper instead of their blazer (all other uniform is as normal) 
    • Parent Pay donations will be available.  
  • We are also running a Festive Bake-Sale on this day
    • We invite donations of cakes and biscuits on Thursday for this (brought to main reception)

As part of the lunchtime menu on Tuesday 10 December, students can select festive food from our canteen provider (Aspens):

  • As a community, we are participating in the REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR again this year. 
  • Please bring in donations, to help those that need it most

  • The deadline is Tuesday 10 December 


  • We are aiming to get donations from students of gifts, which we can give to people who are less fortunate during the festive season
  • The gifts are to be brought to school main reception and will then be wrapped and donated to a chosen charity.
  • Can you donate new/unused:
    • Toys?
    • Books?
  • Please bring to school main reception by Thursday 12 December