
In the English Department we are passionate about reading and we encourage all our students to pick up a book as a way of stimulating their imagination, improving their vocabulary and expression and, above all, providing hours of entertainment away from televisions, phones, Ipads and computers.

We recommend both fiction and non-fiction; both provide a source of information and will help students to improve their grammar, spelling and sense of how a piece of writing should be organised.

To help promote good reading habits, we would encourage parents to be heavily involved in this process. There are a number of ways in which you can do this:

  • read regularly in front of your children. It helps if they see you reading as it provides them with a good role model
  • visit the library or bookshop together
  • have lots of books, magazines and newspapers around the house
  • discuss books and newspaper articles with your children

With so many distractions and demands on their time, it is extremely important for students to have an opportunity to read quietly and think about what they have read; it helps students make sense of the world around them and reflect on their place within that world.

Most students have at least one reading lesson a week and all Key Stage 3 students take part in DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) every day.

Please also see our Reading for Pleasure section for inspiration about reading!

June 2024


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