E-Safety Information and Advice
The internet is a integral part of lives and an important and useful resource for all of us. With the development of new technology its availability and easy access has become a normal part of the lives of children and young adults. It is vital that we do all that we can to ensure the safe use of the internet and all work together on the issue of e-safety.
E-safety in school
Our personal development curriculum allows our students to discuss key themes on a regular basis. Each year group has a focus:
Year 7 -Pupils learn what a digital footprint is and consider online reputation. Pupils learn vocabulary alongside being safe online. Pupils look at privacy settings and why they are important.
Year 8 - Pupils consider the effects of cyber bullying. Pupils also learn about the dangers of using online chat rooms and social media, there is a focus on the more sinister side of the internet and 'grooming'. Pupils also learn about the inappropriate use of 'sexting' and how it is against the law. Pupils learn to assess the reliability of the internet and learn definitions such as copyright, ownership and plagiarism.
Year 9 - Pupils revisit grooming but also look at coercion, gaming and sexual harassment online. Pupils also learn about online gambling and to be aware of the 'hook'. Pupils also look at trolling and bullying online. Pupils will also look at support sites, helplines and about whistle blowing.
Year 10 - Pupils learn how their online activity might impact on their future aspirations and review online laws. Pupils review how the internet can affect expectations on relationships. Pupils learn about gaslighting and satire, looking at fake news and how to identify it.
Year 11 - Pupils revisit the laws on internet activity, they look at plagiarism and copyright and what these mean/consequences behind them.
Year 12 - Students are taught about fake news, online safety and media stereotypes as well as a module on study skills.
They are encouraged to report any negative issues they may encounter online to a trusted adult which includes all school staff. Students are informed how to report cyber bullying and e-safety posters are displayed in prominent positions around school.
Top Ten Social Media Apps that teenagers are using:
- HIP – disguised as a music manager but actually hides photos, videos, text messages and other apps/Hide it Pro as well.
- TikTok
- Snapchat – decide on how long to share images etc
- Line – another app similar to snapchat
- Omegle – chat or video strangers (YouNow, Live.me, ChatRad, FaceFlow)
- Tinder – Rate profiles and locate people via GPS. Yubo – is a teen dating app.
- tbh – Anonymous feedback to friends.
- Kik Messenger – send videos, photos etc. No parental controls. Has been used in a variety of kidnap cases, murder and sexual assaults.
- Vora – dieting app that tracks fasting
Social Networking
The use of social networking sites such as Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp, TikTok are becoming increasingly popular. This is despite the fact that you have to be 13+ years old in order to have a profile. There is a wealth of advice online about social networking sites. Please click on the links below for further support:
- http://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/share-aware/
- http://www.childnet.com/young-people/secondary/need-help
- https://www.getsafeonline.org/social-networking/social-networking-sites/
- Facebook checklist (PDF)
- Facebook Guide for Parents [PDF]
- Video chats and webcams [PDF]
- Website promoting safety on most used sites (Facebook, Skype, Twitter, Youtube, Xbox 360): http://www.childnet.com/young-people/secondary/need-help
- Parent guide for TikTok [PDF]
In the News
- What 'Apps' does your child use? Latest article highlights the danger of an app called 'Oovoo' which young people sometimes download. For further details, please follow this link: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/oovoo-parents-claim-paedophiles-using-5261559
- Cyberbully: A chilling real-time thriller starring Maisie Williams - from Game of Thrones - as a teenager battling with an anonymous cyber-stalker. The plot of Cyberbully is inspired by dozens of real-life cases.
- NSPCC Share Aware Campaign Launch
- BBC News - Breck Bednar murder: Lewis Daynes sentenced to life in prison: A computer engineer is sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a 14-year-old boy he met through online gaming.
Top tips for students
- Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number.
- Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.
- Keep your privacy settings as high as possible
- Never give out your passwords
- Don’t befriend people you don’t know
- Don’t meet up with people you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people suggesting you do
- Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are
- Think carefully about what you say before you post something online
- Respect other peoples' views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views does not mean you need to be rude
- If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.
Top Tips for Parents
- Please read our Year 6 Parent Online Safety Workshop presentation slides: CLICK
- Talk to your child about what they’re up to online. Be a part of their online life; involve the whole family and show an interest.
- Encourage your child to go online and explore sites which are fun, educational and that will help them to develop online skills.
- Keep up-to-date with your child’s development online.
- Set boundaries in the online world just as you would in the real world. Think about what they might see, what they share, who they talk to and how long they spend online.
- Keep all equipment that connects to the internet in a family space.
- Know what connects to the internet and how. Make sure you’re aware of which devices that your child uses connect to the internet, such as their phone or games console.
- Use parental controls on devices that link to the internet, such as the TV, laptops, computers, games consoles and mobile phones.
Useful websites
- http://www.saferinternet.org.uk/
- http://safe.met.police.uk/index.html
- http://www.kidsmart.org.uk/
- https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/
- http://www.nspcc.org.uk/help-and-advice/for-parents/online-safety/online-safety_wdh99554.html
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/topics/safety-and-privacy/
- http://ceop.police.uk/
If you are concerned about anything online please use the following helplines:
Childline 0800 1111
If you are worried about a child and need some advice call 0808 800 5000
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