Transition Arrangements
Choosing the right secondary school for your child is a very important decision. We offer regular open evenings throughout Year 6 allowing you to meet our staff and ask any questions you might have to help you make the correct choice.
For the latest information about transition events for current Year 6 and other related details, please see our Admissions page.
Applications for a place at Nottingham Free School from September 2015 onwards need to be made through the Local Authority coordinated scheme. Please see our website for our admissions arrangements including our over subscription criteria.
We understand that the transition from primary school to secondary school can be a daunting prospect for both pupils and parents. Once you have chosen Nottingham Free School we will provide a comprehensive programme of events throughout the year allowing your child to meet their peers, engage with staff and begin to make lasting friendships.
We will also offer a series of meetings for all prospective parents allowing you to develop a strong working relationship with the school staff and other parents.
- STEP ONE: Autumn Term, Year 6
- Pupils and parents will be invited to an open evening to discuss the school and address any questions you may have.
- STEP TWO: Autumn Term, Year 6
- Applications must be submitted to the Local Authority by the 31st of October and you will receive the outcome on National Offer Day in early March.
- STEP THREE: Spring/Summer Term, Year 6
- We will run a programme of taster events designed to help support students as they make the transition from primary to secondary.
- STEP FOUR: Summer Term, Year 6
- Year 6 students will meet with their classmates for a 'Taster Day' to allow them to familiarise themselves with the school. Students with Special Education Needs may be invited for additional visits.