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The last few years have seen students at Nottingham Free School have increasing success at a range of UK Mathematical Trust Challenges.

Last year, students in year 9, 10 and 11 achieved the following medals in the Intermediate Maths Challenge:

From Year 11: Khuih Elgareidi – Gold, Ademola Akanji – Silver, Shannon Birkett – Bronze, Haroon Malik – Bronze

From Year 10: Matthew Baggaley – Bronze, James Mottram – Bronze

From Year 9: Alexis Whittle – Gold, Molly Luca – Bronze

Alexis also gained enough marks to be entered into the Olympiad round, a select competition for the best young mathematicians across the country.

These successes were followed by the amazing achievement of a team of 4 pupils (Alexis Whittle, Viktor Harrison, Yousaf Mughal, Jaydon Rakkar) that took part in the Team Mathematical Challenge.

The team came top in the Regional Final of the UKMT Maths Challenge, beating opponents that included the Nottingham High Schools and the West Bridgford schools, all of whom usually make up the top few places. The team then went on to compete in the National Finals and came 69th out of the top 88 teams in the country.

This year, Nottingham Free School, hopes to build on this success. In addition to taking part in the Junior and Intermediate Mathematical Challenges, we will also be entering a range of individual and team challenges for the first time. These include:

  • Six students from Year 11 and 12 taking part in the Mathematical Olympiad for Girls,
  • Sixteen students in Year 12 taking part in the Senior Mathematical Challenge, and
  • A team of four students taking part in the Senior Team Challenge.

Fingers crossed for an even more successful year in 2019/20.

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  • NFS and UKMT
    Planning for further success in 2019-20 (24/09/2019)

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