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NFS Continue their winning streak!

On 23rd February, a mixture of Year 9 and 10 students played a friendly netball match against Djanogly in their Sports Hall.

Djanogly made a positive start, scoring a couple of early goals to throw NFS off their rhythm a little and take an early lead of 3-2. After a quarter time re-focus, NFS re-took to the court with an air of calm and determination, Ashden Johnson ensured that centre passes were well executed and Macauley Gillespie's confidence increased in the shooting circle to ensure that NFS took the lead. From then onwards, defence stayed exceptionally strong against a gritty Djanogly attack with Eloise Elmhirst, Josiah Graham and Harrison Dimambro-Mosscrop all intercepting and marking their players tightly to allowed Ruby Truman, Indya Davis, Ashden and Macauley to push on in attack. In the second half of the game, NFS were resilient and adaptable as some of the team had to play out of position to allow for boys to mark boys from each team. At this point, Gabriella Grossett was superb as Goal Keeper, marking her player deep to the back line which meant that her opponent kept going offside and balls were flying out of court on Dajnogly attacks. Darcey Coates-Gill really hit her stride in the final quarter, working brilliantly with Macauley to score 6 goals between them for NFS to bring home a comfortable win in difficult conditions. 17-7

A massive well done to the whole team:

Ruby Truman (Captain)

Darcey Coates-Gill

Gabriella Grossett

Eloise Elmhirst

Indya Davis

Macauley Gillespie

Ashden Johnson

Josiah Graham

Harrison Dimambro Mosscrop

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