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More Success at Nottingham Free School

After beating Bulwell Academy by one rounder to qualify, the Year 9 team travelled to Fernwood Academy on 28th April for the City finals.

We played a talented Emmanuel side first of all who settled more quickly than us into the game and beat us much to the disappointment of the NFS team. After realising that if Emmanuel were to lose and we were to win the next round, heads went up, optimism was evident and we faced Fernwood in our second game. This was a close run thing with both teams equally matched and very few mistakes given from either team. Consistent bowling from Daisy Cole Kenney and batting from Macy Dillon helped the team towards a fair result of a draw with 4 1/2 rounders scored each.

Going into the final game against Bulwell Academy again, who qualified with us in our group, we knew it would be close. However, confidence and self belief prevailed and NFS batted through with nearly the whole team contributing to a total of 9 1/2 with Bulwell in to bat.

NFS then came into their own in the field with some amazing stumps out at 1st by Alex Duta and Eve Costin Locke and at 2nd with Lila Jones. Just as we were facing the last few balls of the match and with Bulwell down by 7 rounders, Beth Ritchie achieved a fabulous 'double out' by catching the batter and stumping another player at her post on 4th.

This summed up a great NFS performance and a silver medal which was an amazing achievement after just two weeks practice.


Daisy Cole Kenney Captain

Eve Costin Locke Vice

Shoghla Karimi

Jussara Estima

Lila Jones

Macy Dillon

Alex Duta

Beth Ritchie

Cherise Rebeiro

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