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England Handball National finals

The U15's have been working through each stage of the Handball National Competition where we secured 2nd place in the local league losing on penalties in the final which enabled us to travel to Cambridge University to compete in the regional East round. We started slow away from home with a dramatic turn around of a 5-1 deficit with 3 minutes to go to ensure we progressed to the semi-finals.

Again we got through to the finals where we were 2nd place again, all though jubilant to have reached the National final. The finals day was held in Nottingham at the David Ross Centre, it was well run and well organised. On the day we won 2 and lost 2 in the group stages and due to goal difference we did not progress to the final. All of the students were fantastic and as a school we were immensely proud to reach our first Handball National Final and second National final as a school.

We will work hard in the off season and in September we will go again.

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