Careers Programme Summary

Careers Programme Summary

Nottingham Free School is committed to providing a planned programme of Careers, Employability and Enterprise for all students in years 7-13. At Nottingham Free School we believe that all young people and parents will need advice, guidance and support in working towards and planning for the future after leaving the academy.

Year Theme Aims
7 The world is my oyster
Have knowledge of a range pathways + careers
Identify my skills and strengths
Identify my dreams
Recognise and evaluate stereotypes of working life
Understand employability (transferable) skills – such as being organised, resilient etc
Understand apprenticeships and higher education
Job of the week (in tutor)
Aspire Group (Nott Uni) (some students)
Lesson with a Quantity Surveyor
8 My goals, my future Have knowledge of a range of careers/ pathways
Understand how to access LMI
Recognise importance of STEM careers
Recognise +evaluate careers stereotypes
Recognise different ways of working
Understand the importance of researching careers
Understand the relationship between social media and work
Understand higher education and apprenticeships
Job of the week (in tutor)
Aspire Group (Nott Uni) (some students)
Nottingham University Assembly -Higher Education
Big Bang Fair (TBC)
9 Exploring pathways Understand yourself
Recognise unconscious bias of self and others in relation to careers choice
Know how to research jobs and Labour Market Information
Understand post-16 options – pros + cons of vocational and academic pathways
Write a CV
Making GCSE options choices
Job of the week (in tutor)
Aspire Group (Nott Uni) (some students)
One to one check-in with tutor or senior leader to discuss options for GCSE
Workshop by Nottingham University on careers and degrees
NFS careers presentation (November)
Ada Lovelace Day – off-site STEM visit (15 girls)
10 Stand out from the crowd Develop employability skills (CV writing, interviews)
Apply for and find a work experience placement
Prepare for and complete work experience
Be aware of your responsibilities and rights as a student, trainee or employee for staying healthy and following safe working practices
Understand how our social media presence can affect our employability
Evaluate post-16 options
Job of the week (in tutor)
All visit Nottingham University
Aspire Group (Nott Uni) (some students)
Work experience
Employer mock interviews
Finance workshop
ASK apprenticeship workshop
Post-16 options workshop (delivered by external careers adviser)
11 Life after GCSEs Understand how to apply for college / post – 16 – write application forms
Explore post-16 options using Unifrog and college websites
Know how to analyse the labour market
Consider degree courses requirement to ensure post-16 options are relevant
Job of the week (in tutor)
Local colleges invited into school
Careers afternoon – listen to a range of speakers
Parents careers information evening
Aspire Group (Nott Uni)
Personal Guidance interview with level 6 adviser
Work placements and additional support arranged for vulnerable students
12 Looking to life after A levels
Have knowledge of different pathways – employment, apprenticeship, university
Have the skills to make informed decisions about the future (LMI) (Visiting speaker + Monday job of the week)
Know how to apply for university
Understand personal finance
Understand data protection, Rights and responsibilities at work,
A good CV (Visiting speaker)
Linked in – (visiting speaker)
Job of the week (in tutor)
Mock interviews with employers (end of year 12)
Work experience (July 2024)
Range of visiting speakers
Personalised opportunities placed in Unifrog "locker"
Careers interview with level 6 adviser offered
13 Careers interview with level 6 adviser - offered
Input on advanced and intermediate apprenticeships
Detailed guidance on university application process
Personalised opportunities placed in Unifrog "locker"
Mock interviews with head teacher (tbc)
UK Universities and Apprenticeships Fair (in person at Nottingaham University – June 2024)

June 2024


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